For what its worth. Over here in the motherland they sell plastic foam rockets 
about a foot long, 2 in a pack, together with a catapult for about $10 
equivalent. Jan, Alan and I had a fun couple of hours shooting the rocket, 
with fishing line attached, over the oak tree in my front garden to the 
evident amusement of my neighbors and passers by. Once we had the line over a 
bough at a decent height we used the fishing line to haul some string to haul 
some rope to haul the end of my trapped dipole over the tree. The other cool 
thing about the rockets is that they make a howling whistle as they descend 
which woke the local mutts up....They sell the rockets in Kellers - a toy 
shop in the fine City of Norwich - somewhat far from you over in the 
colonies. I'll try and post the brand etc..when I re discover the safe place 
I put them when we were done shooting. 

Best regards
Stephen Farthing G0XAR

PS Is anyone going to Pacificon next month?. Jan, Alan and I shall be there
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