
CW at 31 WPM is a little fast for me. I suppose I could get my code speed up, but basically I agree with John.

I tried receiving some PSK31 using a FSK31 demodulator last night with the hope that maybe it would decode something, but no joy. However, a FSK demodulator should nearly as easy to implement as a CW detector/converter. You could come up with something the size of the MFJ CW reader with its small display. However, again, who would you talk to? There's currently no FSK31 on the air. Make it also do PSK31, then you could use it with the Dave Benson's Small Wonder PSK31 series, the K2 or similar portable rigs. Have provision to plug in regular keyboard. I have a 11" regular keyboard I use for portable operations. There probably would be a good market for a converter/display like that. Why tie it to the KX1, or FSK31?



At 04:46 AM 10/9/2004, Ullrich von Bassewitz wrote:

On Fri, Oct 08, 2004 at 04:35:24PM -0700, John, KI6WX wrote:
> I thought about that option.  However, if you are going to use CW input and
> output, why not just send CW in the first place.  CW probably offers better
> weak signal performance than FSK31.

Most people don't do CW because of it's performance, they use it because it's
a lot of fun. Someone thinking that CW is the greatest thing since sliced
bread will never use other modes anyway. But for those interested in casual
use of other modes, translation from and to CW may be an option.


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