On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 06:51:20 -0800 (PST), Steve Jackson wrote:
> Stewart G3RXQ wrote:
>>> It would be very helpful if someone could check
>>> their K2/KPA100/KAT100 and see
>>> if they get the same results.
> Yes, my K2/KPA100/KAT100 does the same thing.
> Thatr being said:  I never tried the DISPLAY/TUNE
> feature before to see what the rig will do full-bore,
> nor would I normally vary the power control while
> transmitting a full carrier.  In general, I operate
> either at a few watts, or about 50, or about 100.  So
> I never noticed this 'bug' before.  Near as I can
> tell, the anomaly won't affect my operating, but I am
> intertested to know what you are doing that
> precipitated this discovery and the possible effects
> on your station operation.
>> Hi Steve,

>> Thanks for your reply, you are the only one to date who has reported that
>> they have tried this test. Now I know that it is not just my setup.

>> Since my original mail I have found that this anomaly only occurs when on
>> transmit, and is independent of whether RF is being generated or not.
>> It is also strange, because turning the power control ACW switches the LEDS
>> from HIGH to LOW, but after that, turning the power control CW does not
>> change the LEDS.

>> I know that the KPA100 switches correctly depending on the power control 
>> setting on both transmit and receive, so why doesn't the KAT100 ? 
>> It is only by rotating the power control whilst on receive or switching the 
>> rig on/off that the LEDS indicate correctly.

>> I quite often vary my power during a transmission to get signal reports
>> on different station configurations e.g speech processing, antennas,
>> microphones, etc.

>> This does not really effect my station operation, but is a minor
 >> irritant in that I cannot rely on the LEDS always showing the correct status
>> of my K2/100 power out, as the manual says that they should. 
>>I will probably disconnect the LEDS, as at present they are rather confusing.

>> 73
>> Stewart G3RXQ

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