
Troubleshooting the basic K2 is even easier that all that - just put a
jumper from pins 1 to 3 on J9 and J10 and your receive path should be
restored.  If you want to restore the transmit path you will have to insert
a .001 uF capacitor into pins 7 and 12 of J11.

My guess is that you will find the base K2 OK, and your problem is on the
KSB2 - most likely in the filter switching area (all those diodes near the
crystals), or an unsoldered connection on the KSB2 board.


> -----Original Message-----
> Hello all -
> My basic K2 #4667 was operating on cw EXTREMELY well (audio outstanding
> by the way compared to two prior K2's).
> However, today I finished and installed the SSB board. W2-W3and C167
> were removed from the RF board per instructions. According to the menu
> the SSB board is communicating with the K2. However I literally hear
> nothing but very quiet unchanging background noise. Before WWV was
> knocking my ears off at 10 o'clock on the AF knob.  If I remove the
> antenna there is no change in sound. If I remove the SSB board the
> background sound comes up but I still don't  to hear anything
> including WWV.
> What SHOULD I be able to hear in cw mode with W2-3 cut and C167 removed
> and the SSB board off? I first need to determine if I may have harmed
> the RF board when removing the 3 items, but I do not not what it should
> be capable of with C167 removed. If it should be pretty much just like
> it was prior to cutting the jumpers and C167 then I have a major
> problem. (Shoot - that baby was running dyno-mite on cw!!!!!)
> If I can confirm the RF board is still OK then I will put SSB board back
> in and start voltage checks. Thanks in advance for any help.
> 73/Tim NZ7C

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