Ron D'Eau Claire wrote:
Robert wrote:
I have noticed that there are several instructions to install a 'GROUP' of
components then solder and trim the leads. Wouldn't this lead to missed
solder connections or cause a less than perfect soldered joint.


As you can see, you're in good company with a lot of other 'turtles'!
Whatever produces the least chance of error is the best approach for each

I go with the, "whatever produces the least chance of error" system.
I always check resistors with a meter and work carefully and slowly.
Even then I sometimes make a mistake so whenever possible I have someone else look over my work at each major new step. A fresh set of eyes will often instantly see the fault that my eyes keep looking past. If I don't have someone else to do a review I take a break and they look at the board upside down to at least have a different angle on it.

michael N6CHV

"Why build JUST a Web site...
 when you COULD build a Web BUSINESS?"

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