John and others who replied.

In many years of Internet use, both professionally and in my hobby, I have never had a mailing list posting rejected as spam, except on this server that Elecraft is using. I know about spam-blocking technology. Deciding whether a post is spam or not based on some arbitrary list of words that the server owner doesn't like is a brain-dead method that has almost completely fallen out of use because it is not reliable. I am in business and could not tolerate communications from my customers being bounced in this mammer. By trivialising my complaint as one person's tantrum, you wilfully ignore the more important issue that I was trying to bring to the group's attention.

You selectively quoted my posting to omit the point I made about the frustration someone would feel if his urgent plea for help with a building problem was rejected in this manner. Whether or not Elecraft makes any guarantees about the performance of the list, it is the principal form of getting support for most of its customers, and I would suggest that there would be many fewer Elecraft kit builders (especially from outside the U. S.) without it.

The periodic requests for an alternative Elecraft forum come from people with a genuine desire to be able to participate in an interactive discussion about the Elecraft issues that concern them without their mailbox filling up with postings that are of no interest to them (which for some, unfortunately, will include this one.) Their wishes have been repeatedly ignored. Although others have tried to start Elecraft forums using more sophisticated software, or have offered to do so, their efforts are doomed to failure whilst this relector with all of its acknowledged shortcomings remains the only one that receives official Elecraft endorsement and participation. The Elecraft archives, while excellent as far as they go, provide no way to reply or post to the list, and are therefore no real alternative to a proper online forum.


Julian, G4ILO (RSGB, ARRL)
G4ILO's Shack:



With all due respect, it sounds like it's a good time to take a walk around the block.

I don't think Elecraft ever said anything about guaranteeing the performance of the mailing list, or that there's any obligation for them to even READ the mailing list. I think pounding ones shoe on the table because one posting didn't show up, is a completely unreasonable justification for starting another mailing list (which assureadly will have the exact same
chance of rejecting a posting) and certainly not something Elecraft is
responsible for.

>I dare say my comment is no great loss to the group, but perhaps there
>is some merit in the idea of setting up an alternative list, after all.

Because of a missing posting? You've got to be kidding.


John K5MO

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