Julian, G4ILO wrote:

The periodic requests for an alternative Elecraft forum come from people with a genuine desire to be able to participate in an interactive discussion about the Elecraft issues that concern them without their mailbox filling up with postings that are of no interest to them (which for some, unfortunately, will include this one.) Their wishes have been repeatedly ignored.

No, actually they have not been ignored. Judging by responses from Elecraft personnel, they have been taken seriously. They have, however, been turned down, in my opinion for very good reason (which I won't repeat at this point).

It is up to Elecraft to decide how they will support their products, and this is what they've done -- quite effectively, too.

 this relector with all of its
acknowledged shortcomings

I have been a member of many mailing lists for I don't know how many years, and I find that this one runs quite smoothly with just enough application of control by the moderator to keep it on track. In fact, it is probably the best forum of its type that I've encountered, period.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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