HP now makes the HP33s (~$45), which is a slightly enhanced 32sii & does
RPN or algebraic.  Looks like marketing was at work, though, since they
put the buttons in a strange V pattern.  I've also read that the decimal
point is tough to see.  And for matrices, differential eqns, etc., you
can now upgrade to a 49g+.  Great functionality, but I think HP has lost
a bit in the quality department.  The newer calcs just don't have that
solid feel of the older brown ones.  (But I still buy them!)

Mike  AB3AP

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/18/05 09:50 ET:
> I'm holding on to my HP15C which I bought in college in 1987, still
> have the receipt.  My boss here was looking for a good RPN calculator
> and figured he might find that one on eBay cheap. [...]
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