Fair enough, so lets say that you're within 50Hz accuracy then... That still 
wouldn't QSY you to the Zero Beat on CW would it.
> From: br...@livecomputers.com
> Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 23:15:02 -0700
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] P3: a modest proposal for QSY
> To: notforc...@hotmail.com
> CC: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> My P3 shows a rounded version of what is on the K3 when they are
> synced. When my K3 says 7.100.000 the P3 shows 7.100.0 when I go to
> 7.100.050 it goes to 7.100.1 its a rounded version. So when my P3 and
> K3 are synced (by simply pressing center twice) I can read the
> frequency on the K3 and know that is the frequency that the P3 is on.
> I simply set the K3 to 10.000.000 and then do the ref cal on the P3.
> ~Brett (N7MG)
> On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 11:09 PM, The Smiths <notforc...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > You're wrong Brett... No matter what you say the P3 doesn't automatically
> > sync with the K3 to a 1Hz accuracy.  The Center line on the P3 CAN be and
> > usually is off by as much as 99Hz. No matter how you look at it, if you can
> > move a Center position on the P3 with the select knob in the "CENTER"
> > adjustment  mode, and it doesn't change from the reading of 10.000.0 until
> > you get up to 10.000.1 or down to 9.999.9 than logic tells you that
> > SOMETHING is changing between those two positions which just happen to be
> > 100Hz apart from each other.
> > Conversely, if you can change the K3 from 10.000.099 down to 9.999.999
> > before the display on the P3 center line changes, than obviously the K3 and
> > the P3 are not in sync to the Hz.
> >
> > Look, try this.. it's a very simple test.  Take your rig, put it on
> > 10.000.000  Now look at your P3, does it say 10.000.0. Let's say that it
> > does (according to you it should), now, turn your VFO knob up until the P3
> > reads 10.000.1.  Where is your K3 displaying? I'm sure it's not going to be
> > 10.000.100.  I know mine sure isn't, and that's after I set that center as
> > close as possible.  My rig displays 10.000.042. That's 58Hz off.
> > Take your VFO move it down until the P3 says 9.999.9. What does your K3
> > display? Mine says 9.999.940, 60Hz Off. it's NOT accurate. We need the extra
> > 2 digits in order to set the true Center of the P3 BEFORE doing a Ref-Cal.
> > You just can't set the Ref-cal until you know the center has been set
> > correctly.  If you do, than you're going to have EVERYTHING out of wack by
> > that much difference.  Moving that Ref cal just confuses things more.
> >
> > I'm not over thinking it, on the contrary you're putting your head in the
> > sand and pretending that the P3's center is following the K3 with 000Hz
> > accuracy.  When you center that marker and hit the QSY button you are going
> > to move the CENTER of that carrier on the display as far or as close to the
> > center that you just calibrated it to.
> > You're just wrong.. I'm sorry.  I don't know why Alan hasn't just come on
> > here and said so... I've already seen 3 posts from him since we've been
> > discussing this.
> >
> > The only people that this isn't important to are SSB guys that don't mind
> > coming within 100Hz of the QSY freq.  I don't know if you do CW, but I do,
> > and when I land 80 hz away from someone with my 100 Hz filter on it makes a
> > difference.  The P3 was designed with SSB guys in mind, NOT cw guys.  The
> > accuracy of the center display, and the tremendous warm up drift all
> > indicate it.
> > I love my P3, and I'm having fun with it, but if Alan wants to make this
> > friendly to the CW guys that requires more accuracy than the SSB guys use.
> > He's going to have to 1 - re-write the manual on how to set up the Center,
> > then the Ref-cal alignments, and then 2 - add the extra 2 digits to the
> > center display freq.
> > This is NO different that putting your K3 on 10.000.000 and setting up the
> > Zero beat on your Config: Ref Cal.  You just wouldn't do it that way if you
> > didn't know that your K3 wasn't parked at exactly 10.000.000.
> >
> > You can disagree all you like. I've made my point, shown my facts,  and I'm
> > not going to argue any further on the reflector.  Feel free to contact me
> > off the reflector if you need me to explain further.  That goes for Alan as
> > well, I would love to talk with you and explain what's going on here if my
> > explanation doesn't make sense to you.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> From: br...@livecomputers.com
> >> Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 21:53:07 -0700
> >> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] P3: a modest proposal for QSY
> >> To: notforc...@hotmail.com
> >>
> >> The P3 is centered on the K3 by default. Thus you can read the K3 to
> >> tell what frequency the P3 is on. It doesn't need the extra precision
> >> on the P3 display. I didn't read any more than your last post. I
> >> think you're over analyzing it and making it more complicated than it
> >> needs to be. Its not that hard to understand whats going on there I
> >> think most hams would get it. Those who don't get it its probably not
> >> important to.
> >>
> >> ~Brett (N7MG)
> >>
> >
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