Many are using the SoftRock II Specials that Tony sold for IF Panadapter use. 
They ARE STILL AVAILABLE but are now sold by a different person
with Tony's blessings ....

  I have used a Softrock and a Clifton Labs Z100000 buffer from the very 
beginning and am very happy with the results. I use PowerSDR IF v1.19.3.5 for 
point and click operation and am happy with the results for the most part. 
Rocky software is much better than PSDR for weak sig detection, but you loose 
the Point and Click control of the K3. So for the stuff below the noise I stop 
PSDR and activate Rocky. Since most of my opeartions are weak signal I run 
Rocky and operate the K3 in a normal manner. For CW Rocky is fantastic. With 
96Khz soundcard setup max resolution is about 15Khz for full width on my 

  If I want FULL SDR operation, I turn on the SDR1000. It doesn't get turned on 
that much. (Anyone want to buy a 100w/ATU Flex 1000? ) The K3
is what is running here full time.

  I am curious about the P3, but I can't yet justify the expenditure given the 
performance of my SoftRock/ Clifton labs/ homemade PC Box panadapter. The SR 
and buffer are hidden from view behind the K3 and are in operation all the time 
I have the K3 on. (Usually 14-16hrs a day). I operate VHF/UHF/Microwave weak 
signal and a some of HF. My panadapter allows me to look at a 96Khz "window" 
regardless of the band of operation which I can live with very easily. If I 
want greater resolution I can change that window with both software packages. 
For receive only operation with the SDR, the software setup is NOT that big of 
a deal. The SoftRock gang on the Yahoo group are as helpful as any you will 
ever meet and will get you going. For about $50 you are set.  Don't like it? 
You can sell the "combo" in a heartbeat on the Yahoo group.

  I can use PowerSDR to provide monitoring of two additional frequencies of the 
band I am operating as long as I'm not changing frequencies as I monitor. With 
Rocky one additional freq. During VHF contesting I often operate on one freq 
while monitoring a rover freq with the panadapter
"receiver" to keep track of his availability. Be aware ... if I change freq on 
the K3 I have to reset SDR "receiver" freq. But I have a second freq option.

  Its all a matter of what you want. I have a PC running all the time and a PC 
based panadapter is no big deal. The K3 never leaves the radio
bench and I like the large panadapter at the logging computer. 

 If you JUST want to "see the activity", I see no problem. If you want a
 single source integrated hardware/software companion to your K3, the P3
 is of course the only option.    

  So ... that's my "take".

73 and good DX  Bill  K0AWU  EN37ed


> Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 00:24:50 -0400
> From:
> To:
> CC:
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] P3 or KRX3
> Bob,
> You are partially correct.  To be specific, LP-PAN is a glorified 
> Softrock plus Clifton Labs Z10000 with transformer coupling to the 
> soundcard, all dressed up in an enclosure.  If you compare the price of 
> all those pieces (particularly the enclosure), the price of the LP-PAN 
> is not out of line, in fact it is quite inexpensive.  These days, it is 
> not unusual for the cost of an enclosure to exceed the price of the 
> electronics inside it - just look at the prices for some of the 
> enclosures at DigiKey or Mouser - if it is not plastic, it is 
> expensive.  I mounted mine in an Elecraft EC2 enclosure ($69.95) and 
> used the rest of the space for some antenna/transceiver switches and a 
> K3 breakout box, so the total cost of my LP-PAN equivalent exceeds the 
> cost of LP-PAN.
> Actually, Tony does not currently have the Softrock 6.2 receiver for the 
> K3 IF available, so the relative price of that is a moot point.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> Bob wrote:
> > Is the LP-Pan nothing more than a glorified Softrock type of receiver which
> > can be bought for $10?

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