Several years ago a guy that lived about a block and a half away stopped by
the house one afternoon for the purpose of informing me that I was
"interfering" with his radio and TV.  I asked him if he was getting it right
now, and he said yes.  Told him, that I was also having  a lot of problem
with some type of noise; and since I am outside working, that would
eliminate me as the source.  

Invited him into the house and turned on my receiver; bingo, the noise level
was about an S7, and it peaked when I turned my beam towards his house.

I told him that I believed the interference source was near him, and asked
if I could go over to his house with him and see what I could find.  Of
course, his tone had changed and he was more than happy for me to look into
the problem.   Took a small portable radio over and I found the noise level
was very high in his house.  Asked him if it would be alright if I turned
the power off to his house.  He didn't have any problem with that, and as
soon as I opened the main breakers, the noise disappeared.

After a little "detective work", I traced the source of the interference to
the doorbell transformer.  Disconnected it, and told him to go buy a new
one.  Of course we were both "happy campers".

Dick  K8ZTT

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Lou Kolb
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 4:24 PM
To: elecraft
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] QRM and filtering

I had a nasty noise of s9 plus for a week or so.  Finally tracked it down to

the wall wart on my XYL's sling box.  It had been there for years but I'd 
noticed it had always been warmer than most of them although it seemed to 
work okay.  Apparently, it must've gone bad and started generating a 
terrible hash.  When I pulled it the problem was immediately solved.  73, 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron D'Eau Claire" <>
To: "'Mike Weir'" <>; <>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2010 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] QRM and filtering

> That sounds like arcing somewhere Mike (BTW, it's QRN - N - noise instead 
> of
> QRM -M for interference from other stations).
> It could be a power line insulator. Sometimes a fluorescent bulb dying
> sounds like that as the starter keeps re-engaging. I've heard that sort of
> thing from some street lights that are flickering. Sodium lamps generally
> create hash, but ordinary incandescent bulbs, in a street light or 
> somewhere
> in the house, can do exactly the same (their filaments sometimes fail but
> are still touching and there is intermittent arcing across the opening).
> Unfortunately the possibilities are as endless as the number of places 
> there
> might be something arcing over.
> How's the weather been? The advent of the rainy season sometimes causes
> dirty power line insulators to arc. When it rains enough it may wash the
> dirt off the insulator it may stop all by itself.
> I'd tackle it like others have chased RFI here: start switching off 
> circuits
> throughout the house while listening. If it stops, you are in luck - it's
> something under your control in the circuit you shut down.
> If not, you'll need to start hunting with a portable radio. Follow the
> strongest signal along the power lines. At that point you can start to
> enlist the help of your power company. Cooperation varies a lot, but some
> are extremely helpful.
> One time I was bedeviled with noise like that and couldn't track it down. 
> It
> was emanating from the general area of several blocks in the neighborhood.
> Then, one night after dark, I noticed something while taking a walk. A
> intermittent weak flashing on one of the power poles. And there it was - a
> dirty insulator arcing over. The utility came out within a couple of days
> and hosed down all the insulators in the neighborhood!
> Ron AC7AC
> -----Original Message-----
> Over the last 2 weeks some QRM has shown up and I have tried some of the 
> NR
> and NB filtering options to get rid of it and it's not really working to
> well. I am not sure if I am using the proper filtering or the settings I 
> am
> using are off. I have an audio example of the QRM or even RFI on my blog
> site. The link is below I feel if you listen to it that may help.
> Mike
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