Both beta 4.17 and 4.18 have now been removed from the web site. 4.14 is the 
latest current release.

Ever try editing a web page while in motion from an iPad? Fortunately my wife 
is driving, but road bumps make typing and screen editing interesting..


On Nov 6, 2010, at 4:23 PM, Don Wilhelm <> wrote:

>  Guy,
> Firmware 4.18 is still available at the Elecraft website - it was 4.17 
> that has been pulled AFAIR.
> Yes, 4.18 has some problems that have been identified on this reflector, 
> but for those who are willing to work around those problems, I am 
> certain the firmware folks at Elecraft would like to have feedback of 
> any other problems discovered.
> Those who wish to "play it safe" should definitely retreat to 4.14 
> (install all the files), but for those who are a bit more adventuresome, 
> try out the APF and the improved noise gate, etc. as long as you are 
> willing to work around the limitations that have been identified so far.
> I often use beta releases of software, and I do expect a few glitches 
> when I do - I figure that is my "cost" for trying something new.  The 
> good thing about Elecraft is that they do respond to identified problems 
> in a timely manner (unlike some others).  Lyle will certainly be busy 
> when he gets finished with his weekend!  Let's provide him with 
> information on any other glitches that might show up.
> 73,
> Don W3FPR
> On 11/6/2010 6:58 PM, Guy Olinger K2AV wrote:
>> Wayne has officially yanked 4.18. If SSB problems with 4.17, reload
>> 4.14. Nothing until Lyle gets back.
>> 4.17 alpha testers were going nuts on the APF and likely did little
>> checking of the TX function change, which apparently had the SSB bug
>> found in 4.17.  Any problems, reload 4.14.
>> 73, Guy.
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