Many people object to the use of high power with PSK modes because many
people operate within a small section of the band and a strong signal can
make life difficult for other users. But the difference between 40W and 100W
is only about 4dB, less than an S point, less than the difference between a
good antenna and a so-so one and less than the typical variation in signal
strength caused by QSB. If you are close (geographically) to someone else
using PSK31 they are going to be strong whatever the power they are running.

The most important thing when using PSK modes is not how much power you are
using, but that the signal is *clean*, with the minimum of IMD products. And
that is why with a barefoot K3 or any other 100W radio you should not exceed
about 40W output. The K3 will certainly handle running 100W output without
overheating. But you will not be a good neighbour to other users because the
IMD will deteriorate substantiually as the power increases. If you had a
KPA100 then I dare say you could run 100W output and be a better neighbour
than someone running 40W with a barefoot rig.

The reason it is necessary to run higher power when using RTTY is that it is
an antiquated mode designed before the advent of DSP and it requires a
stronger signal to produce good copy than PSK31. The reason it is OK to run
100W of RTTY using a barefoot K3 is because RTTY is a constant amplitude FSK
mode and does not cause any IMD.

Don Wilhelm-4 wrote:
>   Giorgio,
> The safe power for the K3 is 100 watts.  A operator using more than 20 
> to 50 watts for PSK31 is IMHO a "band hog" - PSK31 operation at QRP 
> levels is quite common and should not be abused by those running high 
> power (even though many do it).
> OTOH, RTTY is different because many operators are running the full 
> legal limit, but I have worked several RTTY stations in a contest using 
> only 100 watts.

Julian, G4ILO. K2 #392  K3 #222.
* G4ILO's Shack -
* KComm -
* KTune -

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