How can you measure that a balun is being effective?


That's a very good question. BTW, I'm the guy Dan worked the other night when we had this conversation on 40m - good to work you, Dan.

There are 3 reasons I've never used a balun with my standard "field kit" consisting of the KX1 and a 40m inverted V fed with ladder line or twinlead: 1. The KX1's autotuner tunes all 3 bands with this antenna; contacts, including DX, are easily made. ( 2. The main advantage of the KX1 is the integration of so many things that previously were seperate items: batteries, paddles, tuner and all the interconnecting cabling associated with them. The KX1 leaves not only less to take but less to forget to take - been there, done that... ;-) 3. An external balun is one more item to pack (or to forget to pack) and, if I bring it, how can I tell if it's doing me any good? Would the guy in Spain give me a 579 instead of a 569? I doubt it. If there were a measurable way to quantify the advantage, I'd consider packing one along but the advantage would have to be practical, not merely theoretical.

John Harper AE5X
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