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This URL will take you to the schematic of the cable set used with the Microham Microkeyer

If you look in the accessories section you can see the schematics of all the cables

At present the US supplier is back ordered on the K2 cables until Nov 4th. If you wish to roll your own the online store does allow for a price reduction if you do not order a cable.

I have no connection to Microham


On Oct 23, 2005, at 14:34, Don Wilhelm wrote:

Stewart and all,

That is precisely why I hesitate to refer to the DE9 connector on the KIO2
and the KPA100 as an 'RS232' connector.

To those not yet informed, please be aware that connecting a standard RS232 serial cable to this K2 connector (and the other end to a computer) will
most certainly do harm to your K2.  This connector carries K2 control
signals (non-RS232) as well as the RS232 signals (only TXD and RXD and
Signal Ground are RS232 standard levels). The connector itself does not follow the RS232 standard - perhaps it would have been better implemented as
a DIN connector, but it is too late for that now.

There are only 3 pins (OK, 4 if you include frame ground on pin 1) that are RS232 signals. The rest of the pins should not be subjected to the up-to plus/minus 25 volts levels that may be present should the other end of the
cable be connected to a device which presents  standard RS232 signals.

For my own K2, I have put a plug into pin 4 and broken off pin 4 of the
mating cable, so only that special cable can be plugged into the K2 to
prevent an accident that can happen to the best of us.


-----Original Message-----

It seems to have the ability to send commands to the K2 via the
serial port.
What I meant to have said, was that Elecraft have some fairly non
standard usage
of the pins on a RS232 D type.

Stewart G3RXQ

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