Greetings, all.

For some time I've suspected my K2 of being partially deaf (ie. not as sensitive as it should be). I bought an XG3 a while ago and finally sat down to check my K2.

I set up the K2 following the XG3 manual. Volume control set to was slightly before 12 o'clock so I had maximum volume possible before there was audible distortion heard in the speaker, I used a 400Hz filter as I don't have a 500Hz one set up, and I removed the KAT2. I took measurements at the speaker terminals with the speaker disconnect as the volume was quite loud with the speaker connected. On 40m, S+N was 532mV and N was 19.2mV for a receive sensitivity of -135.7dBm (approximately).

I installed the KAT2, tuned in to a dummy load on ANT1 that measured 51ohms on an ohmmeter, and set the KAT2 to calS mode. I ran the test again without changing any controls from the first test. The speaker volume was only 55mV, about 1/10th what it was without the KAT2. Calculated senstivity was around -128dBm.

Sensitivity seems a bit lower with the KAT2. Perhaps I should have upped the volume setting but I thought I should try and do a more direct comparison to the bare K2.

Center conductor of ANT1 to KAT2 output is only 1 ohm so there is nothing obviously wrong at DC levels. I don't like the 10 fold drop in speaker volume with the KAT2 installed with all other things being equal. Is this considered "normal" or is this an indication of a problem in my KAT2? Any thoughts what to look for if this 10 fold drop in output is not normal?


Kevin.           |"Nerds make the shiny things that distract
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172      | the mouth-breathers, and that's why we're
                                | powerful!"
#include <disclaimer/favourite> |             --Chris Hardwick
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