I am a newcomer to all of this, and I am wondering if there is any place
left in contesting for those of us who choose not to have a computer send code or receive code--ie just used for logging. I am working on getting my speed up,
 but I couldn't participate due to my inability to copy the high speed CW
used by what I assume are mostly computers sending code. Am i off-base here? I
do enjoy  the QRP contests I have entered since these seem to use "manually"
generated exchanges at slower speeds (20 - 25 WPM). Thanks for any advice...Ci,

What a curious comment: "ie just used for logging"

This is not a criticism, simply a comment on these digitized times. The presupposition is that if there's anybody left that does not use a computer to send and receive code, then surely it must go without saying that everybody uses a computer to keep logs, at least in contests.

I've been hamming (for fun) for over 40 years and talking to computers (for money) for only a trifle less than 40 years (yes, we had them back then), and have never seen the need to mix the two.

I still send CW with a key (admittedly hooked to an electronic memory keyer), receive CW with pen and paper and do all my logkeeping on paper.

I'm the first to admit that in "go for blood" contesting I would be hopelessly outmatched by the computerized QRO stations that roll up 90 QSOs per hour.

However, in QRP contesting (i.e., in the QRP class in regular contests where you're score is only compared to other QRP entrants, but you're competing head to head with the QRO stations for contacts), where the S5 signal in an S9 ambience pretty much guarantees a relatively low contact rate (10-20 QSOs per hour), a computer does not give that much of an advantage, except maybe in preparing the log for submittal.



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