Perhaps the enhancement could be a BFO that is adjusted by a front panel control?

This would be nice, and I presume that you mean that the knob would maintain the location of the BFO in relation to the passband along with the sidetone pitch. Currently it's possible to adjust the pitch from the menu (although this is not a one-knob operation!), but in order to keep the selected pitch inside a narrow passband, you need to do the CAL FIL procedure.

So the knob that you refer to would have to cause the microprocessor to recalculate the VCO offset that is used to place the selected pitch at a given location in the filter passband. This is what happens when you run CAL FIL.
This is the one feature that I really wish the K2 had. My TS-940 and 756-ProIII both have this, and I find it very helpful. It's not only nice to be able to customize the sidetone pitch, but I like to tweak it easily via a front-panel knob every so often during long operating periods, like contests - adjusting the sidetone (and zero-beat point) up or down a little from time to time seems to help minimize ear (or is it brain?) fatigue.

If the filters are not set too narrow I find that the RIT does this for me.

Larry Ingram  AG4NN
K2 SN 2529

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