In a message dated 11/13/05 11:30:41 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL 

> It just seems, in the performance for dollar arena, if I have $3000  
> to spend, why would I buy the Sienna over the Ten-Tec Orion? 


- you can work on a Sienna
- Sienna has some features Orion doesn't
- some folks with enough $$ will have *both* rigs...

Or even  
> two K2/100s w/ KAT100s, if I want the whole build-it experience?

Because they're not the same. And it may not be about performance-per-dollar 
as much as about performance-no-matter-what-the-cost

> It's hard to perceive what niche the Sienna is targeting. 

Agreed. It's definitely not the same niche as the K2, seeing as how a 
fully-loaded K2-100 is about half the price of a barebones Sienna.

Another thought: If a ham homebrews a rig, the entire cost is on him/her. But 
if a ham homebrews a rig and offers copies of it as a kit, which is the 
product of a small business, a lot of the cost can be transferred to the 
as an expense. Someone who is enterprising enough to design a rig like the 
Sienna (or the K2....) could have the enterprise to make it a business.

And we all win.

73 de Jim, N2EY

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