Yes (but read more):

I am using a Down East Microwave sequencer with my K3/10 (mainly on VHF with transverters but it will work for any band - keep reading). I use the INHIBIT command in the CONFIG menu to keep the K3 from transmitting until the sequencer says: "OK". The sequencer goes thru four timed sequences (from Rx, to switching TR relays, to enabling external amps, to defeating inhibit as last step). I control the sequencer with the K3 KEY OUT line.

If you push XMIT, KEY OUT goes low to key the sequencer while the INHIBIT keeps the transmitter from outputting RF. You have two choices INHIBIT HI or LO and that will depend on what your sequencer can provide. I use HI and the sequencer pulls it LO to enable RF output. To use this you need to read over use of INHIBIT function and use of pin-7 of the ACC jack.

I am not as familiar with what the Signal Link can do. What input control it needs and what output keying it can do. But if it uses typical PTT LO for both then the method I have shown should work. Be sure to test into a dummy load before connecting to real equipment to ensure you got it right when setting this up!

I use the TRN lines to control my INHIBIT on VHF but I suspect you can use CONFIG: K103 - NOR on HF bands if that is where you need to use this. I do not use it on HF. I added sequencer operation on 6m by using the output of DIGOUT-1.

If you need more help e-mail me direct.
73 & Happy Holidays!, Ed - KL7UW

Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 11:12:20 -0500
From: KD7YZ Bob <>
To: K3 List <>
Subject: [Elecraft] Can there be a delay before xmit after pressing
        the XMIT        button on my K3?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Howdy K3' people:

I use a sequencer which helps ensure that RF does not flow from the K3
before a sensitive LNA is switched out of the RF path.

This works if a foot-switch is pressed here. It  works when the
Tigertronics "SignaLink USB" closes the sequencer's PTT  input.

However, the K3's "XMIT" button will key the rig and I see no wy to have
that action tell the Sequencer that it's internal PTT needs activation.
This would need doing prior do RF flowing.

If there was a way that a delay could be chosen/set to follow the
pressing of XMIT button then I might try using the K3 PTT out or the
XV144 Key-Out.

I would like to think I will not press the K3 XMIT button but that "ain't
gonna happen" as I am likely to use "XMIT" with a reduced output to tune
an external 2m PA .

Or, sometimes I am just stupid and press XMIT anyway ... wouldn't be
nice to destroy an expensive LNA ..... especially in the middle of a
QSO with a severely weak station.


73, Ed - KL7UW
"Kits made by KL7UW"
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