Not sure it is limited to dynamic mics. I supported myself in college working on the engineering crew at the local TV station. The Station Mgr once complained that the newscaster "boomed." I recorded myself using his velocity mic [the large iconic RCA which had a prismatic shape] on an Ampex 350 at varying distances. As I got closer, I became more and more a bass. Our "anchorman" was right up on top of the mic sitting on his desk. The rest of my crew thought the tone of my voice is pretty much "average male."

Using my K3, I've had a chance to be recorded by a friend on his K3 who then sent me a CD of the recordings. Close-talking with my Heil boom mic [from Elecraft, electret element] with the TX EQ flat did the same thing and I became significantly less intelligible on the recording. On SSB, I keep the mic just a little below my chin, talking across rather than into it [handy for drinking coffee and eating snacks in a contest too]. I also use the K9YC TX EQ settings.


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2014 Cal QSO Party 4-5 Oct 2014

OT Trivia: I was in college from 1957 to 1962. We were the only TV station in town, cable and satellite TV and the Internet hadn't been invented yet, and out of an 18 hour broadcast day, we had thirty [30] minutes of news ... 15 minutes of "Jack Smith and the News" [local], followed by "The CBS Evening News with Douglas Edwards." 30 minutes seemed to cover things pretty well then. :-)

On 4/29/2014 7:28 AM, Joe Subich, W4TV wrote:

but it can also be noticed on dynamic mics when males with voices
that are particularly low pitched "close talk" a mic due to the
increased low frequency response from the proximity effect.

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