You probably are!

You have the right connectors. For the paddle, determine which paddle is
going to be for dots. For most right-handers, the thumb is the dot, but
there's no standard. Use a three conductor cable (2 conductors and a shield,
e.g.) and connect the three wires to the paddle, one for dot, dash and
ground. I don't know how the Kents are set up. Obviously if they come with a
cable, you use that one. If not solder the wires to the wire lugs provided
or whatever attachment scheme Kent uses. 

The stereo plug is made with three sections each insulated from the other.
The tip is appropriatedly called the TIP, the RING is the next section down,
and the large metal barrel is called the SLEEVE.

Slide the plastic housing for the plug onto the cable first.

Solder the dot wire from the paddle to the TIP connection inside the plug.
Look at the terminals inside carefully and you will see that it is clearly
the center one. Measure from the tip to the terminals with an ohmmeter if
there is any doubt which is the proper one.

Solder the dash wire from the paddle to the Ring. You will see that that one
is stacked below the tip connection. Again, to be sure you can measure
continuity from the ring to the terminals to see which one is right.

Solder the ground wire from the paddle to the sleeve. That is the large tab
that sticks out with some pieces on it to crimp the wire for strain relief.
There usually isn't any doubt about this one. You will usually see a little
hole about a 1/4" or so up that tab to solder to.

Screw the plug housing on and it is done. Plug it into the K2, make sure you
have selected INP/PDLn from the Menu and give it a try. If it works and you
get dots on the proper paddle, you're done. If it's backwards, just change
to PDLr.

Do the straight key the same way except you are going to be connecting only
to the TIP and the SLEEVE of the stereo connector. The Ring is not used. On
the K2 Menu select INP/HAND or you will get a string of dots every time you
close the straight key.

Hope this is what you were looking for. If not post again. I'll be in and
out all evening as we don't do anything on Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas, Jeff.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of jrb
Sent: Saturday, December 24, 2005 1:43 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Connecting Kent Straight Key and Paddle

Merry Xmas!

I wonder if I'm the only one in the country thinking about this stuff on
Xmas Eve.

Anyway, I'd like very specific instructions about connecting it to my K2.

For instance what kind of plug (for each wire) and how soldered to the plug.

Just to take my best guess I've already bought RS Part 274-284 <1/8"  
stereo phone plug>, and wonder
if these will work. If so how to solder?

Sorry to be such a dope-



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