My .02
I think it's a good idea if Elecraft is willing to invest the time. I know
plenty of good operators who take the time to set split only to
accidentally bump a button that throws everything out of wack during the
rush of "a new one". Then they continue to call thinking they're in split
because they took the time to set it and ignore all the ..- .--. 'S because
in their mind, they are in split. I think having it displayed on the P3 is
an excellent idea because that is were the attention is for a lot of folks.

Also there are hams with young children who like to run into the shack and
press buttons without the operators knowledge during a bathroom break etc.
this has never happened to me Hihi.

Ultimately, yes ppl should pay attention, but if the ability is there to
help them, why not have it.

Wayne, if you build it, they will come.


Steve KS6PD

On Wednesday, February 18, 2015, Dwayne Rohmer <> wrote:

> Situation awareness is the perception of environmental elements with
> respect to time or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the
> projection of their status after some variable has changed, such as time,
> or some other variable, such as a predetermined event. I guess we need more
> situational awareness. How we get there is up for debate. And we digress.
> When in SPLIT, the K3 already displays the Delta f LED, The SPLIT icon,
> and the TX arrow points to the B VFO. Configuring the DELTA-F LED to
> "FLASH" may, or may not, create more awareness, it just depends on the
> operator.
> I suggested CONFIG: DELTA-F LED (nor or FLASH) as a solution to those that
> need another "flag" to indicate SPLIT. If you don't want it, you wouldn't
> have to configure it.
> It should not be necessary to display a message that constitutes a warning
> in a normal operating mode. Having three indicators when split should be
> enough, but we know that the size of the K3 also dictates a small display.
> That display has a lot of information on it, sometimes you have to look
> closely to see what is really going on. Maybe the P3 or a computer screen
> has become a more popular thing to look at, especially with DX and
> contesting.
> Since the objective is to easily determine or verify the transmit
> frequency with SPLIT, RIT, and XIT ops, maybe a CONFIG option could enable
> the Transmit frequency (in this case, VFO B) to flash three times on key
> down, but only when operating SPLIT, RIT, and XIT.
> I propose CONFIG: Tx FREQ (nor or FLASH).
> The K3 will never fix an operator that doesn't know what split is, or when
> to use it. We also can't fix an operator that doesn't know how to use his
> radio. It may be helpful to have a larger indicator to help an experienced
> operator that is familiar with his radio to easily determine the frequency
> of the transmitter, and also to quickly recover from an unintended push of
> a button or other mistake.
> 73,
> Dwayne WV5I
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