Thank you, Don, for your technical description as to what might be happening.

I have polished my straight key silver contacts and replaced the diodes with 1N5821 Schottky diodes, but am still getting the problem occasionally.

It does look as though I shall have to fit a separate jack to the straight key and change the InP menu setting to HAnd when I want to use the straight key. I had hoped to have avoiding doing that. Perhaps I shall try and to get hold of some 1N5711 diodes and see if they are any better.

73 de David G4DMP

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Don Wilhelm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
I would rather speculate that it is a uP timing situation coupled with
contact bounce at the key and the forward voltage drop of the diodes.  If
one of the diodes is a bit slower than the other, the voltage seen at the uP
pins may actually look like one pin has gone to a low state before the other
(that is the condition to generate the iambic alternating dots and dashes).
This problem can be caused by contact bounce at the hand key - cleaning the
hand key contacts will help, but one can never cure contact bounce at a
mechanical closure point.

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