
You could leave the physical connections as they are now and simply change
the menu to INP Hand.  If your current diodes are Shottky type, there will
be no further benefit to changing them - I only mentioned the 1N5711 as one
example type.

It has been noted that the diodes work well when using a connection from a
computer or other device to key the K2,  but it occasionally fails when
using a hand key - I attribute that to the contact bounce part of the


> -----Original Message-----

> Thank you, Don, for your technical description as to what might be
> happening.
> I have polished my straight key silver contacts and replaced the diodes
> with 1N5821 Schottky diodes, but am still getting the problem
> occasionally.
> It does look as though I shall have to fit a separate jack to the
> straight key and change the InP menu setting to HAnd when I want to use
> the straight key.  I had hoped to have avoiding doing that.  Perhaps I
> shall try and to get hold of some 1N5711 diodes and see if they are any
> better.
> 73 de David G4DMP

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