> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris 
> Kantarjiev
> Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2006 5:25 PM
> To: elecraft@mailman.qth.net
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Lists vs BB's vs Forums
> I'm one of those firmly in the email camp, but I participate 
> in a couple of lists that are also perfectly reflected in a 
> forum system. There's a commercial (but not very expensive) 
> product that does this - vBulletin. Post to the forum, it 
> also shows up in email, and vice versa. Forum threading is 
> done by email subject line. Messages are actually kept in a 
> database like mySQL.


I have used and run vBulletin forums for a number of years and although
there are mods available for nntp and email gateways VB does not support
this feature natively. 

The forum threading is very frail, first filtered using message ID in the
header, then checking for RE: FW: VB: AW: etc in the subject line to
indicate a reply then checking the string after.

I have ran these email mods and they won't deliver the service you expect.

The only online community which has a well integrated email/web based
interface is actually yahoo groups.
> It's pretty cool. I've been contemplating converting one of 
> the lists I run just to see what it's like.

I already ran 2 forums with the email / nntp gateway modification installed,
I was well impressed, it makes a beautiful archive and really nice search
features but threading is a bit unstable and requires a bit of volunteer
action to moderate / organise mis-threaded posts.

The thing to remember is that because the software has to be modified to do
this, which means that the volunteer author may decide one day to stop

The forum software is commercial and the support is second to none, but mod
support is a big risk for a large forum.

Just a few points to consider, constructively that is.


> I liked usenet, too - better threading than the mail readers 
> of the day. I think the key difference is that I didn't have 
> to go looking for what's new, which is what it feels like 
> trying to keep up with a dozen different fora... (usenet 
> isn't dead, btw, it just smells funny).
> 73 de chris K6DBG
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