Definitely a sad time, when things change. I, too, had some great times with my 
KX1, which has gone to be with a friend in San Antonio, and I hope he gets as 
much enjoyment from it as I did. 'm sure he has, and is. Mine went to Ukraine 
with me when we went to adopt our daughter in 2004 (my excuse for buying it). 
It was a real life saver, or at least a sanity saver. Dropping a window out our 
7th floor apartment and stringing another wire across the floor (far from 
ideal, kind of upside down!) still netted me contacts. True, not lots of 
contacts, but contacts nonetheless, and it truly helped me with the one thing 
about the adoption we didn't anticipate: being locked in the apartment (yes, 
quite literally, with a key and everything) between orphanage visits because 
the adoption people just didn't know what to do with a couple of blind/disabled 
people. And, yeah, no trips to the Internet cafe for me either. Nothing between 
me and the ether except a TeNe-Key. Yep, good times. Whil
 e I love my KX3, and my K2 (which has its own really neat story), I think it's 
pretty hard to replace the memories with that KX1. So, vy 73 to a legend, if 
only a legend to me. And, probably, you. :) 

Vy 73,

Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
Phone: 814-860-3194 
Mobile: 814-431-0962

> On Feb 9, 2017, at 6:36 PM, Fred Jensen <> wrote:
> Yes, sad but probably inevitable.  I just sold my KX1, I built it in late 
> 2004.  Lots of contacts from lots of places.  I'm now 13 years older, 
> adventures in my 20's are "reminding" me of them orthopedically, and field 
> operations for me are rapidly becoming something in the past.  I still have 
> my K2, and do use it, but generally within sight of the truck.
> I suspect the primary reason for discontinuing it is parts availability, the 
> design is creeping up on 20 years old.  Then of course, there's the KX2 
> coupled with every ham's desire to have the latest and greatest.  KX1 is 
> still a great trail radio.
> 73,
> Fred ["Skip"] K6DGW
> Sparks NV DM09dn
> Washoe County
> On 2/9/2017 2:51 PM, stan levandowski wrote:
>> Just a couple of months ago, on December 7, I purchased a KX1.  It was a 
>> replacement to the KX1 I had built several years ago: my entry into the 
>> Elecraft world.  I thought I had "outgrown" it so I sold it.
>> Fast forward through my K1, K2, K3, KX3, and now KX2/KXPA100 setup (plus 
>> other stuff like the K2 amp, the KAT100, the PX3, an earlier KXPA100 for the 
>> KX3....lots of other stuff plus the mini-modules) and we come to today.  
>> Elecraft has made a small fortune on me!
>> We're having a blizzard in New York.  My picnic table out back has over 12 
>> inches of snow on it.  As a prisoner of the house, I decided to do a little 
>> operating;  However, 40 meters was dead and so was 30 meters.  It wasn't so 
>> hot on 20 meters either.  I went down to the living room and built a fire.  
>> But gosh, I really wanted to operate...
>> So I brought my KX1 down to the living room.  I stretched a 40 foot length 
>> of {high loss} RG174 from my shack to the fireplace.  I have a 67 foot bent 
>> up doublet in my attic managed by an SGC231 autocoupler and that's where one 
>> end of the RG174 extension coax went.  The other end connected the antenna 
>> to my KX1 on AA batteries.  With less than 13.9 VDC, the KX1 doesn't have 
>> the oomph required to kick the autocoupler into tune mode.  No problem.  I 
>> just used my QRO setup to find the match on 14.030. That would give me a few 
>> kHZ either side with a good SWR.
>> So there I am, sitting in front of the fireplace with a rig on batteries 
>> putting out maybe a watt +/-, a high loss connection to the antenna, a 
>> coupler with some degree of loss, a freakin' blizzard outside, a bent up 
>> antenna in my attic and a foot of snow on the roof and conditions on 20 
>> meters reportedly "Fair."
>> Well, guess what.  I worked a whole pile of stations - Minnesota, New 
>> Mexico, Florida, Hungary, Ireland, Germany and the Bahamas.  After an hour, 
>> I brought the rig back to the shack and promptly worked  V53DX, a new QRP 
>> country for me.
>> Thus, it was with more than a little sadness that I logged onto the Elecraft 
>> website and saw that the KX1 has been discontinued!  I don't recall seeing 
>> any email announcements about this or any chatter on this reflector about it 
>> either.
>> I certainly understand that business decisions must be made and change is 
>> inevitable.  In fact, I'm surprised that the K1 didn't go before the KX1.
>> I just thought I'd take the time to salute one of the greatest QRP rigs I've 
>> ever had the pleasure to build and operate - twice - and WOW - I'm happy 
>> that I gave this new KX1 to myself for Chistmas!
>> During the period of time between my first KX1 and this new one, I explored 
>> lots of other QRP rigs because I was curious.  I spent a lot of money too!  
>> They were all well engineered.  They all worked. They all had their own 
>> uniqueness.  BUT the KX1 distinguished itself because it had everything one 
>> needs to operate right there onboard.  The LNR Mountain Toppers, for 
>> example, were about the size of a pack of cigarettes. However, the operator 
>> had to have an outboard key, an outboard power supply and an outboard 
>> antenna tuner.  That's more like a full carton smokes. Same for the LD-5 and 
>> LD-11.
>> The thing about the KX1 was its apparent simplicity which masked its elegant 
>> design and robust menu.  I love my KX2 with its dual watch function, 
>> autospot feature and filtering.  But now it's hooked up to the amplifier and 
>> it's no longer a candidate for "grab and go" operations.  The KX1 was (and 
>> IS for me) just plain FUN and all in one nice package.
>> Sorry to see it go west.
>> 73, Stan WB2LQF
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