
Not plugged into the wrong socket on the RF board is it? The one you want is near the front right hand side not half way down the board, aux 12v or something like that from memory. A common mistake when reassembling.


Mike VP8NO

At 07:07 AM 16/05/06, you wrote:
>Ok---this might be elementary to many but I can't
seem to find the problem.
>After I built the NB board and plugged it in along with the SSB >board
>plugged in the ATU cable and the internal battery cable, I >plugged in
>speaker cable, Now there is no audio from the speaker, but there is >audio

>from the
>headphones. I checked the speaker and cable with a ohmmeter and >things
>ok. Elecraft suggusted that the headphone jack might be bad, but I >had
>used it before this and the audio was ok from the speaker
>then.  Everything else
>is working fine including the NB Has anyone els

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