This year was a busy year, for this retired ham.
I had a IC-706MKIIG for a while, I got one of the
first IC-7000's back in Dec., and then this spring
I built my K2 # 5422.   It is a great sounding,
and very rich HF transceiver!  I am proud, both
of the K2, and of my being able to build it myself

I'm also a "build-a-better-mousetrap" retired
as my wife will sometimes bemoan.

After our recent "new Elecraft Product Ideas" stint,
someone came up with a K2-B idea - where we saved
the best of the K2, right down to the RF Board -
but tweaked the Control Board and Front Panel

What with all the successful K2's out there - I wonder
if Elecraft couldn't offer us - an "upgrade path",
for our K2's, rather than some elusive K3 some day.

How about a new Front Panel, and new or modified
Control Board, with a more powerful Processing Chip(s)
and memory - but give us an upgrade 2.5 color TFT
display - something along the lines of the IC-7000.  

This new display, fed from data in the upgraded
Processor(s) and K2 memory - would give us a much
expanded view of the K2's state and data, both for
receiver and for transmit & transceiver setup state.

>From multiple TFT displays - we could see the state of
our filter(s) selections, S-meter, Power-meter,
swr?, a glimpse of how the NB and other options -
are configured. Temperature, current drain, ...  And a
rapid summary view of what state our K2 transceiver is
set up for, at any given momement.

Maybe the new "Front Panel" could have a slightly
new updated button layout and possibilities.  But,
underneath it all - would be our rock-steady
K2 HF Transceiver.  All 5600 of us K2 owners -
would have a natural upgrade path.

Something to write home about  :)


Fred N3CSY

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