Don -

I'm not trying to interface my PC or notebook, to my
K2 #5422.

Rather I was suggesting one simple, or not so simple,
2006 technology upgrade path for the K2.  My premise
is that Elecraft will probably not create a K3 any
time soon.  But the designers did make the xcvr very
modular - with a front panel, control, and RF board.

My quest would be able to buy and build a KSD2,
a display upgrade option for my K2.  I'm sure there
would be many hams who are perfectly happy with their
K2 just as it is.   Others not.

       KSD2 TFT Display Option ..... $199
       KSD2B Memory/Processor Upgrade .... $49
       KSD2C TFT Data Programmer Kit ..... $99

I was a software & computer engineer for part of my
previous life career.  And I can imagine that the K2
may be so maxed out with microcode, and memory space
-that making these changes for an optional TFT display
- would be prohibitive and impossible.
But I don't know that is the case.

Retired now - maybe I just would like another "build
project" option for this great little K2 I built.
Winter is coming.  I've a lot of Kester solder left.
And I have the technical curiosity to hope for a
K2 optional TFT upgrade product.

For sure I know, I do not want a "software defined HF
transceiver", that I've seen somewhere.  Give me
knobs, buttons, and a TFT color display of what's
going on in my K2  (ala IC-7000)

Fred (NY) N3CSY

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