
I am still planning on stopping by after work around 3:30 unless I can get out 

I’m sure a second set of eyes will help.


Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 21, 2019, at 1:25 AM, Peter Dougherty <> wrote:
> My understanding is that WinWarbler relies on Commander, so you need both of 
> those up together. I have tried this approach too, without success.
> With Barry's help earlier tonight I managed to get the K3s working in AFSK-A 
> mode and successfully able to send and receive conventional 45 Baud RTTY 
> through FLDIGI and N1MM Logger Plus, so we can positively rule out audio 
> issues or transceiver issues, menu setup, etc. So "progress" maybe?
> - pjd
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob McGraw K4TAX <> 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 11:17 PM
> To: Barry <>
> Cc: Peter Dougherty <>;
> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Sending AFSK RTTY
> I suggest getting each basic application running correct before moving to the 
> next application.  When each will run correct then and only bring in the 
> integration application.  
> CAT control should not need the VOX activated.  Using VOX is just another 
> audio level and delay that has to be correctly adjusted. 
> Bob, K4TAX
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 20, 2019, at 9:29 PM, Barry <> wrote:
>> Try one more thing. Go into menu and increase the VOX gain, but before you 
>> do that turn up the mic gain; this is actually line in level at this point. 
>> I'm suspecting that you might be operating with too low a level going in to 
>> the radio or VOX gain is too low. I sure hope this is the fix, 'cuz I've run 
>> out of ideas at the moment.
>> 73,
>> Barry
>> K3NDM
>> ------ Original Message ------
>> From: "Peter Dougherty" <>
>> To: "Barry" <>;
>> Sent: 3/20/2019 10:18:37 PM
>> Subject: RE: Re[6]: [Elecraft] Sending AFSK RTTY
>>> VOX is engaged, the correct codec is selected, but nothing puts the radio 
>>> in PTT mode. It’s using the same codec as it does when sending voice keying 
>>> files, which transmit just fine. The radio is not switching into transmit.
>>> What’s even more worrisome is how WinWarbler is not putting the K3s into 
>>> AFSK-A mode. It is forcing it into LSB, regardless of what’s set up in the 
>>> configurator.
>>> - pjd
>>> From: Barry <>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 10:10 PM
>>> To: Peter Dougherty <>;
>>> Subject: Re[6]: [Elecraft] Sending AFSK RTTY
>>> Hmmmm. Interesting. The first thing that comes to mind is that your tones 
>>> are not getting to the radio. Check to see that you are directing your 
>>> tones to the radio's built in sound card. You should be going out on USB 
>>> CODEC SPEAKER. Next turn you VOX on. If you are sending tones, the VOX will 
>>> turn your radio to transmit.  So, if you were planning to use the CAT 
>>> function for PTT, this will allow you to transmit regardless of a correct 
>>> set up for the PTT, or not.
>>> 73,
>>> Barry
>>> K3NDM
>>> ------ Original Message ------
>>> From: "Peter Dougherty" <>
>>> To: "Barry" <>;
>>> Sent: 3/20/2019 7:08:53 PM
>>> Subject: RE: Re[4]: [Elecraft] Sending AFSK RTTY.
>>>> Well a very, very small bit of progress. Using Commander’s main page, mode 
>>>> selection box, if I press RTTY then the K3s goes into the correct mode 
>>>> (AFSK-A, with the filters applied). I am able to decode cleanly, so RX is 
>>>> working fine.
>>>> Still unable to go into transmit via DX Labs, however. As a reminder, CW 
>>>> and SSB macros both send find and TX/RX switching is good. It’s just RTTY 
>>>> (so far) that’s the problem. Even PSK-31 seems to be fine (not that I will 
>>>> ever use that mode).
>>>> I think this is a config problem within WinWarbler at this point. I went 
>>>> through Fred’s awesome K3s/P3 manual and everything seems to be set 
>>>> correctly.
>>>> - pjd
>>>> From: Barry <>
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 11:26 AM
>>>> To: Peter Dougherty <>;
>>>> Subject: Re[4]: [Elecraft] Sending AFSK RTTY
>>>> I don't know why setting up RTTY using AFSK and a K3s is yielding the 
>>>> level of problems it appears to be. It should be just another digital 
>>>> mode. The only difference should be is to set the radio to AFSK vice DATA 
>>>> A; Of course, you could just use DATA A, but you do want to narrow down 
>>>> the receive bandwidth.
>>>> Layering the software as I do with N1MM + FLDIGI or WSJT-X with Ham Radio 
>>>> Deluxe does add additional complexity, So, I would suggest just using a 
>>>> simple one layer of software until  the familiarity for it is developed 
>>>> and a level of comfort is built.
>>>> I do like RTTY for contesting. FT8 is OK for DX, but when I get serious, 
>>>> less often these days, I use CW. My station is modest compared to many, 
>>>> just a K3s and some wire in the backyard; no amp, tower, rhombics, etc. I 
>>>> do have DXCC mixed, phone, CW, and am short 23 for digital and 21 on 80 
>>>> for 5BDXCC.
>>>> 73,
>>>> Barry
>>>> K3NDM
>>>> ------ Original Message ------
>>>> From: "Peter Dougherty" <>
>>>> To: "Barry" <>;
>>>> Sent: 3/20/2019 1:53:27 AM
>>>> Subject: RE: Re[2]: [Elecraft] Sending AFSK RTTY
>>>>> I’ve been using WinWarbler for RTTY for almost 10 years now, and it 
>>>>> definitely works pretty well with the rest of Dave’s suite of software. 
>>>>> Or at least it did with the original MK and later the MK-II. I still had 
>>>>> some doozy problems setting it up even then. I documented everything back 
>>>>> then so if I experienced a crash I could rebuild pretty quickly. But this 
>>>>> is a wholesale change in which dozens of settings are now different. 
>>>>> Again, once this is all settled I’ll have screenshot of each setting page 
>>>>> so this will (hopefully) be a one-off…provided I keep the K3!
>>>>> RTTY is always the red-headed stepchild of radio setups for me, and the 
>>>>> sooner it fades into oblivion as a digital mode the happier I’ll be. I 
>>>>> have little love for FT8, but that’s where the DX is now!
>>>>> - pjd
>>>>> From: Barry <>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 1:08 AM
>>>>> To: Peter Dougherty <>;
>>>>> Subject: Re[2]: [Elecraft] Sending AFSK RTTY
>>>>> Peter,
>>>>>   For a simple uncomplicated set up, the software choice is whatever you 
>>>>> are familiar with, but the GENERAL set up should be the same. I use 
>>>>> FLDIGI for two reasons, I know it and it interfaces with N1MM for 
>>>>> contesting. I doubt it works better or worse than most of the others. 
>>>>> With software there are no interfaces needed if you are using a K3s 
>>>>> making set up easier. Like I said earlier, it's just a matter of letting 
>>>>> your software know what sound card you are using, the USB CODEC, and the 
>>>>> com port of the radio. The rest is pretty much twisting the knobs on the 
>>>>> radio to set levels. You should loose no sleep over this; it's make you 
>>>>> tired and mistake prone. Only one thing I forgot to tell you and that is 
>>>>> turn your VOX on so the tones turn your transmitter on automatically and 
>>>>> off when you're finished sending.
>>>>>   I just looked up Winwarbler. It says it can be used for RTTY, but you 
>>>>> need either a multimode modem or some additional software and then they 
>>>>> must all play together. I really suggest not using Winwarbler if I am 
>>>>> correct; it will add an additional level of complexity. Use FLDIGI. MixW, 
>>>>> MultiPSK, or another complete S/W application. The setup should be more 
>>>>> straight forward.
>>>>>   If you want, I can talk you through it via LL phone. It really 
>>>>> shouldn't take more than about 30-45 minutes to make it all play. Contact 
>>>>> me directly and I'll give you my phone number. But, I don't function 
>>>>> before about noon EDT.
>>>>> 73,
>>>>> Barry
>>>>> K3NDM
>>>>> ------ Original Message ------
>>>>> From: "Peter Dougherty" <>
>>>>> To: "Barry" <>;
>>>>> Sent: 3/19/2019 9:56:10 PM
>>>>> Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Sending AFSK RTTY
>>>>>> Before I start messing with FLDigi, I would really rather prefer to get 
>>>>>> it working with the native DX Lab Suite first, and why I mentioned it in 
>>>>>> my initial post. Adding more software that I don’t (and will never) 
>>>>>> understand is the very last thing I want to do unless there is no way 
>>>>>> around it.
>>>>>> When I used FSK with the MicroKeyer it was dead simple, RTTY filtering 
>>>>>> came up as a default in the radio (twin peak filtering) and it worked 
>>>>>> with almost no configuration. I would like to have something similar 
>>>>>> using AFSK and USB connectivity—specifically the twin-peak brick-wall 
>>>>>> filtering. Right now, just switching in to RTTY mode in WinWarbler just 
>>>>>> puts the radio into LSB mode and that’s it.
>>>>>> Like I said, I really need to get this working with WW if it’s 
>>>>>> compatible. I’ve had maybe 3 hours of sleep per night for the last 3 
>>>>>> nights playing with this radio, N1MM, and DX Lab Suite, and I’m almost 
>>>>>> no further ahead than I was 3 nights ago. All I have is CW via 
>>>>>> WinWarbler and full manual control. CW sending and /RTTY tone just won’t 
>>>>>> work for me so far. Everybody was saying last year that it isn’t that 
>>>>>> hard to do….yet here we are!
>>>>>> - pjd
>>>>>> From: Barry <>
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 9:24 PM
>>>>>> To: Peter Dougherty <>;
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Sending AFSK RTTY
>>>>>> Peter,
>>>>>>   I'm not that familiar with Winwarbler, but I do run AFSK when using 
>>>>>> RTTY. You could use DATA A on the K3s or AFSK. I prefer to use the AFSK 
>>>>>> mode as it appear to work better than just using DATA A. The set up 
>>>>>> should be about the same as you are using for FT8 using the radio's 
>>>>>> built in sound card for the software you use; I prefer FLDIGI just 
>>>>>> because.
>>>>>>   The K3s does do FSK, but I'm not sure there is a real advantage over 
>>>>>> running in the AFSK mode with some digital software. The data mode as 
>>>>>> you call it is DATA A on the radio. It means you can feed the output of 
>>>>>> some digital software into the radio and use any available bandwidth. It 
>>>>>> also turns off the equalizers and compressor. AFSK has a filter for each 
>>>>>> tone.
>>>>>>   I'm not sure why you have had some much difficulty as I would 
>>>>>> estimate it shouldn't take more than one day. ;-)
>>>>>>   As you have a K3s, the set up really shouldn't be a lot of trouble. 
>>>>>> Start by downloading FLDIGI and connecting the radio using the USB 
>>>>>> connector.  This allows both control of the radio and audio in and out. 
>>>>>> Set the sound card in FLDIGI to USB CODEC line in and speaker out. The 
>>>>>> radio will reflect a com port that will be used for control, use it at 
>>>>>> 38,400 8N2. Now you're set to go. Use the mic control on the front of 
>>>>>> the radio to set the level for the transmitter such that ALC will show 4 
>>>>>> bars and a flickering 5th. The power level should be set with the knob 
>>>>>> that controls power. This should be how you set up for FT8 using WSJT-X. 
>>>>>> All you need to do is set op mode in FLDIGI and go. Have fun!
>>>>>> 73,
>>>>>> Barry
>>>>>> K3NDM
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> ------ Original Message ------
>>>>>> From: "Peter Dougherty" <>
>>>>>> To:
>>>>>> Sent: 3/19/2019 8:59:17 PM
>>>>>> Subject: [Elecraft] Sending AFSK RTTY
>>>>>>> I haven't sent AFSK RTTY in almost 18 years so I'm not sure how I 
>>>>>>> should set
>>>>>>> my K3s up for it. I will be using it with DX Labs WinWarbler 
>>>>>>> exclusively (I
>>>>>>> don't do RTTY contesting, so no need to get it working with 
>>>>>>> N1MM). I have
>>>>>>> the radio setup for USB communication exclusively. Before this I 
>>>>>>> had a
>>>>>>> MicroKeyer-II and was sending FSK. Given the rise of FT8 I doubt 
>>>>>>> I'll be
>>>>>>> doing much RTTY anymore, but I still need to have it available just in 
>>>>>>> case.
>>>>>>> Using WinWarbler, I don't see any option to use a data mode for 
>>>>>>> RTTY, just
>>>>>>> LSB (again, we're talking AFSK now). Isn't there a data mode 
>>>>>>> built into the
>>>>>>> K3s for RTTY? Or is that just for FSK? Or is it a case of only 
>>>>>>> using data
>>>>>>> mode for one (and only one) data format? At the moment, I have 
>>>>>>> the radio
>>>>>>> using Data mode for FT8.
>>>>>>> Sorry for the confusion-it's been three days of trying to find 
>>>>>>> the right
>>>>>>> settings for everything, with only very limited success. Thanks as 
>>>>>>> always.
>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Peter Dougherty
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