It looks like the KAT1 should be able to match it - have fun.


> -----Original Message-----
> I only had 17' feet of ladder line, not the 30' I thought I had so
> this antenna is probably extremely far from ideal.  The overall
> antenna is roughly 102' long in an inverted vee configuration.  The
> ends are only 8' to 10' off the ground with the center probably around
> 35' judging by the feedlines I ended up having to use.  It is fed in
> the center with the 17' of ladder line connected to some type of balun
> I found in the junk box (I think it came with a G5RV kit many moons
> ago).  I then had to use a 20' piece of RG8X to extend it to meet the
> 75' of RG8U TRIAX into the shack.
> Here are what the numbers from my MFJ analyzer reads.  If someone
> could translate all this for me into how this antenna will work at QRP
> levels with my K1 and KAT1, I'd sure appreciate it.
> 1.810 MHz   SWR=7.0  R=6   X=37
> 3.560 MHz   SWR=8.1  R=5   X=21
> 7.040 MHz   SWR=5.2  R=5   X=34
> 10.100 MHz  SWR=4.6  R=101  X=124
> 14.060 MHz  SWR=6.0  R=7  X=15
> 18.080 MHz  SWR=3.7  R=146  X=80
> 21.060 MHz  SWR=4.5  R=118  X=123
> 24.906 MHz  SWR=3.9  R=11  X=10
> 28.060 MHz  SWR=3.9  R=30  X=54
> So how bad does this POS look?
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