I guess if the transmit is working fine (into an antenna) it rules out pretty much anything in the common path.

Do you have the KXV3 Tvtr and Rx in/out module? If the switching around it is bad you can jumper the BNC connectors. Or try injecting a known level into the Rx in port.

If you have exhausted all the usual likely candidates I would be tempted to look at the RX switched bias, make sure it is the correct voltage.

What serial number is the radio?

Martin, HS0ZED

On 22/01/2020 04:02, John Unger wrote:
Transmit works fine, Martin.

On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 7:46 PM Martin Sole <hs0...@gmail.com <mailto:hs0...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Is the transmit working okay?

    Don’t recall if you mentioned before.

    My early K3 suffered 0.1uf capacitor failure causing loss of
    injection which affected both tx and rx. Another cap failure
    caused loss of tx only due to shorted switching voltage. Both were
    on the RefOsc board.

    Sent from my iPhone

    > On 22 Jan 2020, at 02:42, John Unger <w4au.j...@gmail.com
    <mailto:w4au.j...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    > Wow, guys, thank you all for the suggestions of things to
    check, but still
    > no joy...
    > Here's your suggestions that I have checked:
    > voltage - 13.6
    > RX ANT not on
    > I uploaded a couple of old config files - not change
    > Turning RF GAIN fully CCW puts SWR meter at full scale
    > My other K3 hears FB on all the antennas
    > This K3 doesn't have an ATU
    > Switching an antenna in and out makes no apparent difference in
    > signals
    > No change in BP filters; they have been working fine for long time.
    > I do operate SO2R. The last time radio was working OK was during
    the NAQP
    > CW contest where I was running 100W. I have operated KW amps in
    the past on
    > each radio without any front end problems (but there's always
    the first
    > time, right?).
    > Thanks again for the help
    > 73 - John, W4AU
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