Stephen W. Kercel wrote:

I do not know how many operators used keyboards on Field Day, but everybody seemed to be going the normal 20-22 wpm that one typically hears.

We did have one instance of a FD operator slowing down in response to a slow call from one of our GOTA operators.

I called CQ at around 27 wpm. I responded to answers at their own speed, if it was significantly different from mine. The slowest call I got was about 13 wpm, and I responded at a similar speed. One guy apparently couldn't get my call, and just sent PSE QRS. I did, and we made the QSO. Most contest programs make it very easy to change speed.

I think it's good code practice to enter contests where operators are sending too fast for your comfort level. Just pick a strong CQer and listen for as long as it takes to get his call. Then call him at a slower speed. If he doesn't slow down enough for you to copy the exchange, just go AGN? He'll slow down; he wants the points!
Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA
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