Good Evening,

   It was a good day for a hike.  Warm enough to not wear a jacket, but cold enough to limit the biting flies.  The soil is decompressing from the snow; the sword fern are springing up. Some bracken fern are pushing free, but mostly the forest floor is open.  The seasonal stream in the northwest corner of my property is running.  On the way back I heard an odd bird call.  Suddenly I was sitting by mom in a blind, next to the marsh on grandpa's homestead in North Dakota.  "An American Bittern.  That doesn't make sense.  I'm in a forest."  Then I got a look at the bird.  It was a crow giving the call I had not heard in years.  I know they mimic but where did he hear a bittern around here?

   The sun is active.  It has tossed so many CMEs in the last while that they cannot keep track of them all.  However, one is due to hit Earth later tomorrow.  Hopefully this week's blast will hold off until after all the nets.  In any case we can test the ionosphere's condition tomorrow afternoon and evening.

Please join us on (or near):

14050 kHz at 2200z Sunday (3 PM PDT Sunday)
 7047 kHz at 0000z Monday (5 PM PDT Sunday)

      Kevin. KD5ONS


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