In this case I would say the DX operator is lousy.  A 25 KHz spread on CW is ridiculous.  It's even ridiculous on SSB.  Wait for the pileups subside and work him when he's begging.

Now if it's Glorioso, that's different.  My #340.

Wes  N7WS

On 11/7/2023 8:07 AM, Victor Rosenthal 4X6GP wrote:
In certain situations you would definitely do better with a second receiver.Suppose you have a CW pileup on a rare station, where the pileup is 25 kHz wide, with many stations (can I say lids?) calling continuously, and the DX station is sending 35 wpm. It is very difficult to use REV or TF-SET to pick out the right spot and pop back to the DX in time. There is a built-in delay in the button, plus your reaction time. You can do it, but you will get more good shots at the DX with a second receiver. And the name of the game in breaking pileups is maximizing the number of calls you make on the right frequency. It takes a little care in setting up the right and left channels, plus some practice, but the two-receiver method is definitely superior. I go even farther and use the two receivers in my K3 for diversity reception, and have another transceiver that I use to listen to the pileup and transmit.

Victor, 4X6GP
Rehovot, Israel
Formerly K2VCO
CWops no. 5

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