To Don and Ron and others:

When I wrote my last post, I was unaware of Don's latest post giving some of 
the caveats with regard to the Rework eliminators.  

Certainly this is a very timely topic for me-- in the midst of my first K2 
build, and following my latest goof (forgetting to install W6 and C6 on the RF 
board) that Don very kindly pointed out for me, just yesterday in fact!  

For the following reasons, my own K2 will incorporate only the rework 
eliminators (un-modules) for KDSP2 and K160RX:

1.) My rig will be CW only, without 60 meters.  
2.) I have purchased (and will install at the first opportunity) the KDSP2 and 
K160RX modules. Installing the un-modules for these will make it easy to just 
plug in the selected modules when the time comes. 
3.) I sailed past the opportunity to install the un-module for the KNB2 (which 
I also have purchased).
4.) Last (but not least) there seem to be no alignement issues associated with 
these particular un-modules.

Thanks again for being here to help us out!  One of the reasons I chose to 
purchase a K2 was the fact that there are approaching 6000 of these units in 
service, and there is this body of experience to draw from.

Chuck  NI0C

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