Thanks for putting the historical perspective on this Ron. Makes total sense
when you see the evolution.

>From a new guy perspective, I've never used the S-meter to give my signal
reports (I only operate CW for now) and I do use the AGC (RF gain all the
way up and use the AF gain for volume). I issue my RST report based on what
I hear. I agree with Fred, that by today's standard, an R is really the most
important indication of how the QSO is received. But I do use the Tone
aspect of something less than 9 when I hear bad chirping or several
harmonics on the signal. I then usually back that up later in the QSO so
that the op knows what I'm hearing (or let me know if something wrong on my

I did go through the exercise of calibrating my S-meter with the XGen2, but
then I went with the OP1 setting as my FL1 and the meter reads 2 bars while
I'm in CW mode. (I read why that may be in the reflector archives). 

I simply use it as somewhat of a visual indication that the strength I
perceive with my ears is really kicking my butt ;-)

Dave W8FGU

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:elecraft-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ron D'Eau Claire
> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 11:56 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: [Elecraft] AGC Independent S-Meter?
> Dr Megacycle wrote:
> Well, I have late 1950s Hammarlund HQ170 whose S-meter works just
> fine with the AGC/AVC turned on or off. As far as I have been able to
> ascertain, the S-meter functions identically with or without the AGC/
> AVC turned on. It was designed to do so.
> ---------------------------------
> The HQ170 S-meter rectifies the AVC signal separately in one diode section
> of a 6BV8 (that's a tube, folks! <G>), but it will not provide the same
> readings with the AVC turned off! In fact, in the HQ170 manual says,
> "...the
> 'S' meter circuit is connected to the separate AVC diode section of V8
> (6BV8) and gives an indication of all types of signals in all positions of
> the AVC, however the 'S' meter calibration is valid ONLY WITH AVC
> SLOW, MEDIUM OR FAST and not in OFF position, although it will indicate
> and
> may be usable in MANUAL position."  (Page 9 of the HQ-170 Communications
> Receiver Instructions and  Service Information manual. The emphasis is in
> the manual text.)
> Let's take a look at how an S-meter works, starting with some background.
> It all started long ago with the superheterodyne invented by Col.
> Armstrong.
> That allowed a lot of amplification in a receiver that was easy to tune
> and
> without the howls and squeals that, even today, are used to signify one is
> tuning in an "old time" receiver! That basic superhetrodyne format is
> still
> the standard today in almost all receivers, including those in the
> Elecraft
> rigs.
> With the amplification the superhetrodyne provided came a nuisance: when
> listening to a weak station, if a strong station came on frequency it'd
> blast your ears!
> For CW signals the solution was easy. One added a "hard limiter" to the
> audio channel. If a really strong signal was encountered without warning,
> it
> was clipped of at some preset maximum volume (below the threshold of pain,
> hopefully). Most operators used the limiter at all times in case a huge
> signal came on frequency.
> The problem with a hard limiter is that is clips off the signal - turns a
> sine wave into an almost-square wave. The fact that the end result sounded
> like a buzz-saw was of no consequence. The current interest in soft, pure,
> sine wave tones when listening to CW is a recent pursuit that has many old
> timers chuckling. Everyone listened to CW signals that sounded a lot
> harsher
> than the sidetone from the stock K2 and it was (and still is) "music to
> their ears".
> But phone transmissions were a whole different story. Distorting voice (or
> music) with a hard limiter was a serious problem. A means to prevent
> blasting listeners out of their chairs without distorting the audio was
> needed. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) a.k.a Automatic Volume Control (AVC)
> was the answer. AVC (or AGC) automatically controls the gain of some of
> the
> stages of RF amplification in the receiver to turn down the signal and
> avoid
> overload and "blasting". It works like this. Phone signals were Amplitude
> Modulated (AM). That is, they consist of a steady carrier with sidebands
> containing the audio modulation. Two rectifiers are used in the receiver.
> One recovers the audio from the sidebands and the other, the AGC detector,
> produces a d-c voltage proportional to the strength of the carrier. The d-
> c
> voltage it produces is used to control the amplification of the stages in
> the receiver ahead of the detector. The stronger the signal, the more
> voltage produced, the more voltage produced, the more the amplification of
> the stages ahead of the detector are turned down.
> That produced a much-reduced change in loudness in the speaker or phones
> when tuning from a weak to a loud signal. The AGC circuit quickly became
> standard in virtually every superhet used to receive AM phone signals,
> from
> the console radio in the living room of the 1920's and 30's to the car
> radio
> of the 1940's to today's radios. A huge range of signals could be received
> with only nominal changes in volume - something easily controlled with the
> audio gain control.
> At some point some smart guy (or gal) realized that the AVC voltage
> changes
> in proportion to the strength of the incoming signal. That's the whole
> idea
> of the AVC! The stronger the signal, the greater the voltage! If we
> measure
> that voltage, we can show on a meter the relative strengths of various
> signals. The "S-Meter" was born!
> But AGC or AVC was only useful for AM phone reception. For CW reception we
> needed a beat-frequency-oscillator (BFO). The BFO is almost on the same
> frequency as the signal at the detector in order to produce the audio beat
> frequency we hear. The BFO is a huge, locally-generated signal, compared
> to
> the CW signal. It was impossible to keep the BFO out of the AVC detector.
> The relatively huge BFO signal made the AVC system react as if it was
> tuned
> into a very strong signal at all times, and so the AVC turned the receiver
> gain to minimum and kept it there. So, for decades, superhetrodyne
> communications receivers had a switch to turn the AVC off for CW reception
> and we continued to use the manual RF gain control and a hard limiter to
> protect our ears. CW operators never looked at an "S-meter".
> But some tinkerers wanted to have AVC for CW too. That interest grew as AM
> was replaced by SSB. SSB, like CW, requires a strong local BFO signal, so
> even though it was "phone" the AVC in the receivers couldn't be used. The
> trick was to rectify a sample of the signal to see how strong it was
> without
> letting the BFO get into the AVC. Two ways were developed.
> One was to rectify a sample of the audio signal *after* the detector. That
> produced a d-c AVC voltage proportional to the signal strength. It was
> called, for obvious reasons, "Audio AVC" (or AGC). It did well for SSB but
> had a bothersome drawback for CW. Remember, the d-c AVC voltage is
> produced
> by simply rectifying a sample of the signal. Rectifying an audio tone of,
> say, 600 Hz, it takes much longer for the AVC voltage to develop than when
> rectifying, say, and I.F. of 4 MHz. That caused a slight delay in the
> "attack" or time to turn down the volume when a strong signal appeared on
> frequency, resulting in an annoying "pop" in the speaker or phones. One
> approach was to let the AVC voltage return to high gain only slowly after
> once detecting a strong signal, so that if it was a CW signal or an SSB
> signal with a pause in the speech, the gain would not return to full
> volume
> before the next code element or SSB word came through. That helped, but it
> meant the receiver was "deaf" to weak signals for a while after the strong
> signal was silent. Still, audio AVC is simple and effective and often used
> today. The Elecraft KX1, for example, uses audio AVC.
> The other approach was to sample the signal well before the detector and
> BFO, where the signal could be isolated and avoid the BFO sneaking in. One
> common way to do that was to have two mixers feeding two, separate I.F.
> amplifiers operating on two different frequencies: one was for the signal
> and the other for the AVC. That way, the AVC detector was tuned to a
> frequency far removed from the BFO so the BFO won't interfere with it.
> That
> allows the desired fast attack time since the AVC voltage is produced by
> rectifying a signal at radio frequencies instead of audio frequencies. The
> Elecraft K2 uses this approach.
> No matter how AVC voltage is developed, it's the AVC (or AGC) voltage that
> drives the S-meter.
> It's possible to use a receiver to measure signal strength that doesn't
> have
> AVC. We might rectify the audio output and look at it on a meter to see
> changes in the signal strength, or we might sample the I.F. and rectify
> it.
> But the usefulness of such readings without the extended dynamic range
> provided by an active AVC is very limited for on-air communications
> purposes, unless one operates the RF gain control manually. If we change
> the
> RF gain control, we lose all sense of calibration of the S-meter. That's
> why
> you don't see S-meters offered in communications receivers that continue
> to
> work when the AVC is turned off.
> Ron AC7AC
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