
Lyle here stepping in while Wayne gets a little well-deserved shut-eye.

variable passband models that closely track DSP I.F. and A.F. filtering

Is this with the 5 or the 8 pole filters? Or is this a tba?

Mot yet completely finalized.

Down-conversion architecture with narrow ham-band filtering for
superior close-in dynamic range

Down to what? 5MHz, 455kHz ...

8.215 MHz.

 Image rejection?

Excellent. Numbers for this, IMD3, BDR, etc. will be forthcoming. We need to be sure we've got it right before we release them.

Preliminary numbers beat the K2 in every respect.

32-bit I.F. DSP

Is the an API for roll your own DSP/SDR code?

No, but there is a very responsive design team that will be adding new features, and with all firmware and programmable logic being Flash based and updateable over the computer port, today's K3 will be just a new as next year's.

And *every* feature and function you can control from the front panel you can control remotely, so for those folks who want to put the radio in a closet -- or a remote base -- and use a virtual control panel on their PC< the hooks are all in place, and there will be an API for that :-)


Lyle KK7P

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