Ah, how well I relate. I wrote 4 articles for 73. It took a year to get payment for the first two and then only because Wayne wanted my next two. These last two I never got a dime for because 73 folded. I figure I made about $5 and hour for my articles. Hardly worth it.

There was a time when Wayne seem pretty rational. But, somewhere in the 90's his editorials became an intellectual disgrace. Not to mention his constant berating of people "who are not rich like me" and his unending self-aggrandizement.

His agreement with René and the absurd assertion in his book that the moon-landing was a hoax was, I imagine, the last straw for many.

Still, Wayne did a lot to move VHF FM into the mainstream. This and many other things were important and significant contributions of his.

73, Doug -- K0DXV

Back in 1956 when I was a senior in high school I wrote an article for CQ 
describing a plate modulator I homebrewed for my Heath AT-1 (ah, the memories). 
Anyway, Wayne published the article and promised prompt payment (I can't 
remember the amount but it certainly wasn't a lot).
Days passed, and weeks, and months and ..... despite several letters asking 
where the hell was the money (by this time I was a starving Stanford 
undergrad). No money, and to this day I've never bought another issue of CQ.

Doug, W6JD

-------------- Original message -------------- From: Jack Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
You say Wayne Green was a cheapskate. I take your word for that. I can provide a bit of personal experience. A few years ago, I wrote 8 or 10 construction articles for 73 Magazine, all of which were duly published. Payment for the first article was made in about 6 months. The remaining articles were not paid when 73 Magazine folded (about a year after my last article was published). Wayne owes me about $2500. Writing for an ARRL publication is quite different in this regard--a check for my two QEX articles arrived *before* the magazines hit my mailbox. That's extraordinary. My book publisher runs 3 to 4 months behind in royalty statements as well, so the ARRL is really outstanding in timely payment.

Jack K8ZOA

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