Here's how one reference describes the advantage of silver:

   *60/40 and 63/37 Solders*
   These solders are used in the stained glass industry and also for
   electronic component such as computers and communications equipment
   where a minimum of heat can be used to make the connection. For the
   electronics industry, silver is added to tin/lead solders to reduce
   the dissolution of silver from silver alloy coatings. Silver may
   also be added to improve creep resistance.

You may also recall the old Tektronix vacuum tube oscilloscopes built with ceramic strips. The notches were metalized with a silver-bearing compound and the scopes had a short length of silver bearing solder included with each scope. (I think that might have been 4% silver, but it's been a long time.)

Jack K8ZOA

Fred Jensen wrote:
Jack Smith wrote:
There is also a larger diameter 62/36/2, think it is 0.022" PN 64-013, on a 1.5 oz spool.

There's probably a better source for 62/36/2 solder than RS, but it's decent stuff, unlike a lot of the things one finds there.

What's the advantage of 2% Ag over plain 63/37 Pb/Sn eutectic?


Fred K6DGW
- Northern California Contest Club
- CU in the 2007 CQP Oct 6-7
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