
At 22:05 06/27/2007, Fred (FL) wrote:
If anyone remembers their Physics 101 "Painted Tin
Can" experiment - one painted light, and one painted
dark - the K3 will naturally be an internally hot
rig, on field days.  In Physics 101 class - the
can painted black - took on like 20% more internal
heat, than did the can painted light. Heat
reflectivity, and all that .....   Reason we
wear white T-shirts, etc.

To possibly help reduce the further level of discussion on this topic...

I've been corresponding with Larry on his problem, and it appears that there's a STRONG probability that it is NOT due to HEAT, but to COOLING!!!

Here (below) is the text of a message I sent to Larry early-on in the correspondence, and to which he has responded that the local temps did drop somewhat...


Tom   N0SS

Hi Larry:

I've gotten the "PA HOT" warning when my K2/100 was in the car and had
been left outside on a less-than 40-degree F night!

The problem, in my case, was that the firmware (unfortunately, I can't
recall the version number, but it was relatively new) wasn't able to
account for REALLY LOW temps and the DAC would 'roll over', past '0',
and back to 255 (I think) and then appear to be indicating a HIGH
temp, when just the opposite was the case. I'd actually have to allow
the rig to warm up in order to get the warning (and lock-out) to allow
me to operate.

I mentioned this problem to Wayne and since that time, he's rewritten
the temp sensing part of the firmware to accommodate low temps and to
NOT have the PA HOT warning show up.

Is it possible that your K2 got cool enough that it might have experienced
the same problem?

I believe there is (err... MAY BE) a new firmware release which will address
this.  But best to ASK before you order one which might NOT include the fix.


Tom   N0SS

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