In a message dated 7/12/07 11:06:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> On Jun 1, 2007, at 10:01 AM, Lee Buller wrote:
> > I thought that these amps were...well...not as efficient as tube  
> > amps thus not being attractive to hams.
> I think this is true. It's still cheaper to produce several hundred  
> watts with an old tube design than to do so with solid state devices.  
> Although that may not continue for long, as certain tubes become  
> unobtainium, and solid state devices slowly get cheaper.

That's part of it. Another part is that power level measurement has changed 
from the old power-input measure to the "new" power output measure, so 
efficiency doesn't matter as much as it used to. 
> >  So,  
> > what has changed?  Have the SS Amps gotten more efficient?  
> I think the price point for this type of equipment has shifted upward  
> to the point that solid state amplifiers are practical in the market.
> There's also the general amateur acceptance of no-tuneup transmitters. While 
> it is possible to build tube rigs with no tuneup controls (the CE 100V, 200V 
> and 600L did it in the 1950s!), it's arguably easier to do with SS. 

The big item, I think, is the cost and availability of the different designs. 
Not just the tubes but all the other parts, many of which would have to be 
custom made.  The total price of a conventional tube amp and power supply, with 
tuning controls and QSK, really starts to climb when you're getting a lot of 
parts custom-made.

That situation is complicated by the used-equipment market. If you want to 
run, say,  a pair of 3-500Zs, and are willing to do your own tuning, a Drake L4 
or Heath SB-220/221 can do the job. Even if you have to put fixup into one and 
retube it, such amps are pretty price-competitive to a new pair-of-3-500Zs 

There's also the danger of creating an amp whose tubes become unobtanium. You 
can get a really good deal on the Heath SB-630 amp, because its 
conduction-cooled tube is very expensive to replace.

Elecraft has built itself on the idea of offering products that are *not* 
exactly like everything else on the market, but rather go off in new and 
directions. On FD I spent some time with a KX1 - the thing is simply 
incredible, but also, there's nothing on the market quite like it. 

The Elecraft amps show that trend as well. 

73 de Jim, N2EY

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