Neal Campbell K3NC wrote:
Hi all,
I have tried Elecraft support several times and never got any answer
so I am taking this to the list!
I built the KAT100 in the EC2 cabinet a couple of years ago and would
like to migrate it to the small mini-unit that mounts under the K2.
Does anyone know what I need to buy/do to accomplish this?
This is a very interesting post. Several of us have asked if the
enclosure the KAT100 and transverters come in is available as we had
projects for them. To my knowledge they are not available like the EC2
enclosure. It makes it interesting for someone who built the KAT100
into an EC2 case right at the start to change back. I would like to
know the answer to this one as well :-)
Ian J Maude G0VGS
SysOp GB7MBC DX Cluster
Member of RSGB, ARRL, GQRP
K2 #4044 | K3 #?
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