---- Neal Campbell K3NC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I built the KAT100 in the EC2 cabinet a couple of years ago and would like to migrate it to the small mini-unit that mounts under the K2. Does anyone know what I need to buy/do to accomplish this?
I may be oversimplifying your request, but I think what your asking is to move your KAT-100 in your current EC-2 into the EC-1 enclosure.
The EC1 enclosure is the same size as the K1. The KAT100 will not fit in it. What Neal wants (I believe) is the enclosure that the transverters and the KAT100 come in. I have found no information on this. Forgive me if it is available.


Ian J Maude G0VGS
SysOp GB7MBC DX Cluster
Member of RSGB, ARRL, GQRP
K2 #4044 | K3 #?

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