One thing about Vibroplex: they never figured out how to make a weight!! 

Their weights are small in diameter. That means they essentially make the
pendulum thicker! That doesn't work worth a darn. 

My Vibroplex will drop to about 23 WPM with THREE Vibroplex weights loading
up the pendulum. 

It'll drop to about 17 WPM with ONE E.F. Johnson Speed-X weight on the

The difference is that the Johnson weight is much larger in diameter, so the
effective position of the weight is nearer the end of the pendulum.

As we discussed earlier, simply making the pendulum slightly longer, as many
have done with clips, weights, bits of tubing, etc., has had better effect
than adding a row of "Vibroplex" weights.

Maybe that's why we have the digital revolution. The Elecraft rigs shift
speed regardless of the paddles. 

Too bad for Vibroplex. I was always a fan of Les Logan who invented the
famous "Speed-X" bug anyway. To me, he was sort of the "Elecraft" of the
1930's bug business: superior product at a superior price.

Ron AC7AC 

-----Original Message-----


My wife got the bug bug, the straight key bug, the iambic key bug... fairly
recently too.  She is a dedicated but fairly slow cw operator as well and
keeps a 1960 vintage vibroplex, a blackwidow iambic and a modern russian
knockoff of the world war II Junkers german key all tied to her K2 at the
same time.  She's also got 3 or 4 more bugs, mostly Vibroplex.  One can buy
weights for the Vibroplex to slow it down and I think she's got 2 weights on
her regular key.  One of the keys had a 4-40 screw hole tapped in the side
of the weight.  It was explained that this used to be done by some operators
that installed a copper tube, squashed and drilled, to  provide an extra
weight as a lever that could be used to immediately change speeds by pushing
the top outward or inward - without having to loosen the weight screw,
position the weight and then tightening the weight screw down again.

best regards,


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