In 1998 when living in Luxembourg I bought some 50mm diameter knobs from RS Components in the UK. Their stock number was 170-632. They also had the same type of knob, which RS Components described as a Handwheel, with diameters of 40mm and 60mm. The rim is knurled and there is a revolving handle useful for "fast tuning", I use one on a VHF monitoring receiver and find the knob comfortable to use. Might be worthwhile to take a look at RS Components to see if they still sell them.


Andy - GM0NWI  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello to everyone in the group from "Bonnie Scotland"..

I am currently tryin' to source some 2 inch - 2 1/4 inch diameter knobs for
a project that will be gettin' undertaken in
The near future..

I am in need of 3 sets of 3 (9 knobs in total) "I think".. although this may
not be case as I progress
But better I think to "plan ahead"..

Can anyone on the list give any details of a supplier, ..or possibly some
ideas from a what type of older
Radio's in the past might have had this sort of diameter of knobs

Think "VFO -Tuning Dial" sort of diameter.. and you'de near a ball-part


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