
A 1:1 current balun (actually a choke) at the shack entry will work
wonders to keep RF out of the shack.  See L B Cebik's recommendation at
the end of his website article on multiband antennas
http://www.cebik.com/wire/abd.html - I believe that article will help
your understanding of why using a 4:1 balun or a 9:1 balun would not be
a wise choice.  Also take notice that the impedance seen at the tuner
has very little to do with the characteristic impedance of the feedline,
it can vary from quite high to quite low depending on the antenna feed
impedance at the frequency of operation and the length of the feedline
in wavelengths.

Jim Miller wrote:
My remote tuner bit the dust again and I'm going to actually use the K2 tuner for a while.

My setup is a dipole about 88ft long at about 50ft off the ground.

It's fed with a nominal 450ohm window line (thewireman) and it will take about 75ft of this to reach my back porch where I will temporarily operate...mosquitos permitting...

My question is do any of you find a balun necessary in such a situation or do you just go with a BNC to banana jack adapter?

If you find a balun helpful which do you use: 4:1 or 9:1?

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