
Removal of parts from the board IS occasionally necessary. Examples are (a) applying Elecraft modifications, and (b) installation of options.

Do read Tom Hammond's articles on soldering (they are on the Elecraft website). And also familiarise yourself with recommended soldering iron temperatures for the different types of solder you may be considering. Investment in a good temperature controlled iron with appropriate sized tip (e.g. Weller, Hakko) is also recommended.

I found the little plastic component lead forming tool from Morse Technologies to be invaluable for resistors and diodes. A little trick that I learned was to (a) put the resistor in the first slot on the small component side of the tool, (b) bend the leads down with your fingers, (c) press the bent leads against the side of the tool with pliers to make sure the leads were nice and straight, then (d) clip the leads about flush with the bottom of the tool. If this is done right, the resistor will just drop into the holes on the board. In many cases you can solder from the top of the board using gravity to hold the component in. The neat thing is that if you ever have to remove the component, applying solder wick to the joint from the bottom of the board, or using a good solder sucker to remove most of the solder means that the component will be free to fall straight out, because this method means that you do not have to bend the leads on the bottom of the board to hold in the component while you solder. Now if the component does not come free after the application of solder wick or the sucker, get a piece of bare, tinned bus wire of diameter just smaller than the hole, hold it firmly with pliers, and from the bottom of the board insert the end of the wire in one of the component holes. Heat the wire near the board with your soldering iron. The wire will act like a miniature iron and can be used to melt the residual solder and push the component out leaving the hole nice and clean for the replacement component.

Don't act on my suggestions until the dust has settled. By this I mean that there are people on this list with professional training in soldering techniques. They will quickly respond to this post of mine if they think it less than best practice.

My third K2 will be a model of soldering techniques!!

Best of luck and vy 73

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