Thanks for the reply!
Well, the computer is in one part of the house, the 
shack and its power supplies in another.

No big deal really, I think I got quite a while to go before 
mine ships, it was ordered on May 2nd.

Being a casual operator, I doubt I would use most of
the 'features', at least not for a while, so I was hoping
to not have to upload new firmware as soon as it arrived.

I know its supposed to be easy, but I have this picture 
in my mind that I upload it and the rig dies and has to be sent 
back before I even use it.
I got to tell you, I REALLY hate software...


> >>Will the K3's shipping out in the future have the
> latest firmware?
> Probably but I'm sure the guys won't make it a "redo"
> effort for those units that are boxed or even those
> that are "on the line". One of the first steps after
> getting a new K3 is to download and update your
> firmware. That was a topic on the reflector a while
> back. 
> I can't imagine anyone that cannot do this, and also
> does not have a friend with an internet connected PC
> that would help. But I'm sure the guys would step up
> and provide assistance in that unusual case. 
> [Elecraft] Important K3 News
> Brett Gazdzinski brett.gazdzinski at 
> Sat Nov 17 21:17:38 EST 2007 
> Will the K3's shipping out in the future have the
> latest firmware?
> Brett

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